Coffey Sculpture.JPG


Coffey Engineering had a problem and they used public art and the public art process to solve it. They right-of-way strip on the north side of their building was too shady to plant anything. But vehicles from the gas station across the street kept driving up on the right-of-way, a little too close for Coffey Engineering’s comfort. Coffey Engineering applied for, and received, The Laramie Beautification Committee’s public art property improvement grant, in which property owners of existing businesses can apply for up to $1000 for public art or landscaping to improve their property (the property owner must at least match that amount for the project). LPAC administered the RFQ and RFP. Out of three finalists who presented proposals, Stan Dolega won the call with this sculpture. This is a great example of how private business can support the public art process for the greater good of the business and community.