City of Laramie Fire Training Facility
Budget: $32,000
Deadline to apply: July 12, 2021 @ 11:59 PM MDT
The City of Laramie Fire Department is renovating the Fire Training Facility near the intersection of State Highway 287 and Interstate 80 in Laramie, Wyoming. This facility will be the premier training facility for fire departments in the vicinity. The site will include a 2 story multi-room burn building, a 4 - story drill tower, and a classroom facility.
A site for artwork has been identified in construction plans. Near the new entrance to the facility, a sign is being constructed; an artwork could be installed in the proximity of the signage, either beside, on, or around this space. This is an ideal opportunity for an artist working in large-scale sculpture, with light, or with water.
The artwork will primarily be seen and interacted with by members of the City of Laramie Fire Department as well as visiting departments utilizing the facility. The artwork will be sited in the most publicly visible location. The artist awarded the commission will be expected to engage with the City of Laramie Fire Department before creating a final design. Laramie Public Art Coalition is administering the call for artists on behalf of the City of Laramie.